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Amira + Istation Joined Forces!

Here's your ticket to a game-changing huddle as we debut the newest features from Amira and Istation, designed to kick off student growth this fall

In this webinar, you'll get an exclusive look at the new, cutting-edge features debuting this fall 2024, designed to elevate the student experience, improve comprehension, and equip teachers with deeper insights.

Whether you're a teacher, coach, principal, or administrator, this session is packed with valuable insights to help you drive growth in your district.



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Leverage new features to set students on a growth path.

From Amira's new voice capabilities and badging system to Istation's micro-lessons and advanced reporting tools, we’ll guide you through everything you need to optimize these powerful tools for the upcoming school year.

Set your students on a clear path to growth with these cutting-edge features designed to enhance learning outcomes and streamline your instructional strategies.

Webinar Highlights

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Explore AI-Driven Enhancements

Discover new features designed to improve engagement and progress.

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Enhanced Student Experience

Learn how AI-powered tools like voice capabilities and micro-lessons elevate learning.

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Gain Actionable Insights

See how advanced AI-driven reporting provides deeper insights for teachers.

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Maximize Classroom Impact

Integrate these updates to optimize student success.

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Accelerate Student Growth

Embrace these cutting-edge features to lead your students toward a successful school year.

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Lead with AI in Edtech

Stay ahead with the latest AI innovations in education technology.


Julie Kalinowski

Strategy Consultant
Amira Learning + Istation

Julie K


Jaclyn Wright

Chief of Organizational Leadership & Development, Selma City Schools 

Jaclyn Wright


District Resources

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Orchestrating Excellence:
Unleashing AI’s Power in Your District

Transform your district into a symphony of academic excellence with the power of Amira Learning and Istation.


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Framework for AI Implementation
in K-12 Education

Access practical, actionable resource for embracing the innovations AI offers, while conscientiously mitigating its risks.