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Effective bilingual education is crucial for setting up your students for long-term academic success. Extensive research on simultaneous bilingual students proves the need for instructional time in both languages.

Watch this 30-minute webinar to learn evidence-based strategies for developing an effective biliteracy program in your district. Learn the keys to successfully support biliteracy growth and gain insights into evaluating your tools and instructional approaches for high-quality Spanish literacy instruction.

Topics will include:

  • Benefits of dual language programs over monolingual programs
  • Essentials for building biliteracy from the start
  • How to evaluate your Spanish literacy tools and instruction  
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Carlos Gutierrez

Educational Advocate - Istation

Carlos Gutierrez Circle

Carlos holds a Master's Degree from Texas Woman's University in Educational Leadership where his focus of study was on Dual Language programs. He served as a Bilingual Educator for over 20 years in various roles, including campus and district leadership. His passion for multilingual, equitable education remains a priority in helping educators and students reach their highest potential.

District Resources

Bullet 7

Istation Usage Leads to Spanish Literacy Gains

Discover how Ysleta ISD students surpass state peers using Istation.


Bullet 3

Home-language Development is Key to English Language Proficiency

Research shows teaching students literacy in their native language helps develop second-language literacy skills.