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Discover a Research-Based Reading Program Built on the Science of Reading

Study Shows Istation Works

Research shows that by using Istation’s blended learning program for intervention and instruction, students saw significantly greater gains on other assessment tests and are likely to meet and exceed grade-level expectations. 

The Summary

Istation and the Center for Research and Reform in Education (CRRE) at Johns Hopkins University conducted a research study on reading achievement. The study examined student literacy gains using Istation’s Indicators of Progress (ISIP™) assessments for elementary readers (pre-K–5th grade). The study found that Istation usage leads to reading gains.

Key Findings 

  • Students using ISIP Advanced Reading (AR) experienced moderate gains, and students utilizing ISIP Early Reading (ER) experienced even greater reading growth gains and showed strong correlations to South Carolina-READY ELA scores.

  • Students in schools that used Istation at least 30 minutes per week generally experienced larger Measures of Academic Progress® (MAP®) assessment reading gains than similar comparison students did.

  • Students who were assessed with Istation significantly outgained comparison students on the MAP reading assessment. Students in schools that used Istation according to usage guidelines had more than a 2.5-point MAP reading gain when compared to similar students who did not use Istation.

Download the study to see how to get powerful literacy gains at your school or district.

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Get the Data to Differentiate Instruction and More!

Computer-Adaptive Intervention and Instruction

Based on scientific evidence and comprehensive research, Istation’s formative assessments, adaptive curriculum, personalized data profiles, and flexible teacher resources help schools measure growth and introduce new skills for reading, math, and Spanish literacy. Plus, educators get easy-to-understand feedback that is timely, specific, and constructive.

Powered by the science of reading, Istation’s engaging assessments and instruction cover the National Reading Panel’s “Big Five” foundational essentials. Schools get the support they need to improve comprehension and growth with activities and lessons that provide actionable and insightful data that measures phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary, as well as many other skills.

Innovative Oral Reading Fluency Assessment

Istation’s digital Oral Reading Fluency assessment combines over three decades of educational research with more than a decade of technical development and data through a partnership with Boulder Learning, Inc. This pioneering effort in the use of speech recognition technology in education includes digital recording programming to help schools measure oral reading fluency, accuracy, and more.

Mixing teaching and technology, Istation’s comprehensive blended-learning approach helps schools differentiate instruction and support intervention for powerful growth.

Learn about Reading

Animated assessments and lessons focus on foundational skills predictive of future reading success.

Learn about Math

Math skills are presented and assessed in fun, game-like experiences that include grocery shopping and singing with rock stars.

Learn about Spanish

Interactive activities and assessments designed specifically for Spanish-speaking students help learners make connections through prior knowledge, cultural identity, and heritage.